

Racing through the asteroid belt of the Ujitos system! In many scenarios like Race, Target Shooting or Chasing Drones spaceship race through the system. In the Race scenario the movement of the asteroids is determined by rolling dice. Then you program your spaceship under pressure of the timer, setting movement, shield and shot. Then asteroids are moved according to the results rolled previously and collisions are resolved; objects with a lower number have precedence in movement. Then spaceships are moved, in case of collision they take damage. If you are the first to pass through all four gates you win.


Race and position game for 2-6 players, ages 10 and up * Design: Autoren: Guillaume Blossier, Fréderic Henry * Art: Nicolas Fructus, Cyril Demaegd * 00740 1, Ystari, France, 2010 *** Ystari Games *