Abenteuer im Wichtelwald


Players have a family of 6 gnomes each and aim of the game is to be the first who leads his gnome family to the other side of the board. The plan has 8 x 8 spaces, obstacles are 34 trees that are distributed on the board, other gnomes or the sides of the board. In his turn a player must first relocate a tree of his choice to an adjacent space, and then move his gnome as far as possible. If the player wants to, he can make a 90° degree turn once per move. There can only be one gnome per family on the board, gnomes and trees are made from wood.


Movement- and position game * 2-4 players from age 8 * Author: Manfred Ludwig * ca. 30 min. * 10010.7, W & L, 2000 *** W & L Verlagsgesellschaft mbH * Nussbaumweg 4 * D-71720 Oberstenfeld * Fon +49-7062-23181 * Fax +49-7062-23603 * spiele@wl-verlag.de * www.wl-verlag.de