Flying Cheese


Aim of the game is to get the cheese into your own slots and to avoid the cat and on top of this all to grab the bonus, too. First, all players in turn place one felt piece or one cat chip into one of the slots on the board until all slots have been filled. Then you use your catapult so transport a cheese cube into one of the slots, you have two tries in each round. If you hit your own spot, you score 1 Point, for a hit in a cat spot you lose 1 point and if your cube lands in the middle slot you score the bonus. If your cube ends up in another player’s home spot you do not score. If a cube lands on another cube the owner of that home spot scores. When all 12 cubes have been placed, you add the visible dots on cubes in your home spots. If you have achieved the highest score after three rounds, you win.


Publisher: iAurum/Visionary 2011

Designer: Yoshiyuki Arai


Stock#: 671019


Genre: dexterity game


Users: For children

Age: 5


Version: kr

Rules: kr en

In-game text: no