

Alter                    6




Build TOtems, score points


The name of the game is a little bit program, players pile blocks decorated with symbols and score points.

At the start the cloth board is spread and bonus tiles are placed on selected spots of the track according to given rules. Each player draws three blocks from the bag, if you only drew topper blocks you draw again until you have at least one normal block. The starting player moves the Chief one step at the start of each round. In your turn you can either place a block and score or discard all blocks and draw three blocks. If you place a block you must place it either directly on the board or on other blocks, according to the rules. A newly placed block must adhere to the color rules with all sides touching blocks already placed: Red goes with red, purple or orange, orange with orange, red or yellow, yellow with yellow, orange or green, green with green, yellow or blue, blue with blue, green or purple, purple with purple, blue or red. On other blocks you can place blocks up to maximum height of 5 blocks, topper blocks may not be put directly on the board.

A block places scores its value plus the values of all blocks it touches with a side. If you reach a bonus tile on the track with your score, has another move up to a maximum of three moves in a turn. If there are not enough blocks left to draw or the Chief reaches his tipi, the player with the highest score wins.

Pretty, with simple rules that are not easy to implement, but when you look at the color wheel given in the rules, it works! Cloth bag and cloth board absolutely add to the tipi and prairie feeling!


Spieler         : 2-4

Alter            : ages 6+

Dauer           : ca. 45 min


Autor           : Tony Boydell

Grafik          : Vicki Paull

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca.

Verlag          : Surprised Stare Games



Genre                    : Placement and stacking game

Zielgruppe             : For families


Sprache        : en

Regeln         : en de

Text im Spiel : no



Pretty topic

Cloth board and bag

Simple rules

Good family game



Other stacking and placement game with neighborhood rules


Zufall                            1

Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   3

