

Alter                   16




Spaceship vs Spaceship


Players are fighter pilots in space and want to destroy enemy spaceships. All players decide together on the layout of the board with asteroids and starting spots. At the start of a round all players without a ship on the board roll their 6 dice, distribute them to the areas for speed, shields and firepower and draw the bottom technology card from the stack. The value for speed determines the order of play. Then starting spots and direction of flight for all spaceships that need to be placed are rolled for. A player turn comprises removal of overheat = remove 3rd die, recharging 2 dice, recalibrating one die = relocate it on a free place at speed, shield or firepower, move = one move per speed die for the die result. Before and after each move you can turn your ship and shoot, in any order. In case of a collision with spaceship or asteroid, all objects involved are damaged. With enough points left and available turns you also can evade a collision. For shooting you use not yet used firepower dice, hits is determined by white fighter dice, you need to roll the value for the distance to the enemy; the firepower dice determine the damage. Damage is deducted from shield, speed and firepower in this order, with all those values at 0 the spaceship is destroyed and the victorious fighter pilot receives a marker. If you have three markers you win the game.

Shootout in space, the random factor of rolling the dice for equipping the space ship is a little bit mitigated by placing, upgrading and relocating dice and the way you use the dice. Shooting itself is still governed by chance.


Spieler         : 2-6

Alter            : ages 12+

Dauer           : ca. 60 min


Autor           : Alexander Ommer, Dirk Pullem

Grafik          : Patrick Soeder, Alexander Ommer

Titel             : Ident

Preis            : ca. 40 Euro

Verlag          : Soylent Games 2010




Genre                    : SciFi Shootout game

Zielgruppe             : With friends


Version                           : multi

Rules                              : de en

In-game use of language   : some



Shoot and hit as aim of the game

Some tactics in distributing, using and combining dice values

Winning the game = shooting down a ship only chance-determined



Kingsburg and others for placing dice values to result in actions or functions


Zufall                            3

Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   3

