

You roll both dice and take the corresponding mice, you may relinquish one of them. If you want you can take mice from the boards of other players. You may never take mice of one colour twice in your turn. If you cannot take a mouse you must give back all that you collected in this turn. You can end your turn after each roll and place the mice onto the board, this captures them. When less than 5 mice are left, the game is scored, mice have different values according to color. If you catch one mouse in each color in your these are considered to be automatically caught and you continue with a normal turn.


Dice game * 2-4 players, ages 7 and up * Designer: Reiner Knizia * Art: Alexey Kuznetsov * 08775 1, Sirius, 2010 *** Sirius * LLC Zvezda * www.siriusboardgames.com