

Alter                    8




Kangaroo on the savannah!


Players are aborigines on the hunt and want to bag as many animals as possible, but in a round you can only hunt in one region.

The 54 cards show each show one animal and 2 out of 5 possible hunting areas. Cards are turned up one by one until all hunting regions are visible. A string is laid out as a circular hunting ground. Then each player secretly chooses a hunting region and places the corresponding marker face down. Now all players in turn throw a boomerang into the hunting ground. If you have non left or do not want to throw another one you pass, place your marker onto the draw pile and take all boomerangs that have been thrown so far out of the hunting ground. The other players go on throwing or pass and take boomerangs if available. If only one player is left, he reveals his region marker and hunts all animals on the cards that show this region, he take these cards. Then the player whose marker is top on the draw pile goes hunting and then all others in sequence of their markers, so the player who passed first goes hunting last. If there are no animals left for him, bad luck! All animals that were bagged by a player are sorted by species and laid out open-faced. When no animals can be laid out for the next round, the bagged animals are scored: If you have the majority in a species you score the number of animal cards you hold for that species. A set of 6 boomerangs scores 1 point. If you have the most points, you win.

Boomerang is an usual bidding game nicely balanced on the eternal dilemma of stopping or going on, replenish the stock of boomerangs or go hunting for the one animal?


Spieler         : 3-5

Alter            : ages 8 and up

Dauer           : ca. 30 min


Autor           : Dominique Ehrhard, Michel Lalet

Grafik          : Dominique Ehrhard,

Titel englisch          : -

Preis            : ca. 17,00 Euro

Verlag          : Lui-Même 2010



Genre                    : A game of bidding and set collection

Zielgruppe             : For Families

Mechanismen         : Throw boomerang, hunt animals



Re-edition of Lascaux

Exquisite graphics

Reworked mechanisms

Topic and components go well together



Lascaux and other games of bidding for sets



Taktik                  3






Interaktion                   3

Geschicklichkeit  2

Action                  1