Festival beim Pferdestall


Players visit the „Schafhof-Festival für Unicef“ and try to look at all the attractions. In his move a player uncoveres one tile after the other, each tile enhances the risk to have to turn over all tiles again and loose them. After the uncovering players try to place as many tiles as possible and then may move according to tiles placed, the player who has come the farthest at the end of the game wins the game. One can uncover four different kinds of tiles, the range of movement chances non-linear. If the finish is reached or all remaining tiles are predicted correctly, the game ends.


Memory and movement game * 2-4 players from age 8 * Designers: Roland and Tobias Goslar * Graphics: Mirko Rathke * 00906 6, Kronberger, Germany, 2005 *** Kronberger Spiele * www.kronberger-spiele.de * info@kronberger-spiele.de