On the Underground


In London the most successful subway line needs building, success is scored with points from connections of personal lines to targets on the board and for the passenger volume on the personal lines. In a turn one can build tracks and then move the passenger. One can build up to four track sections, the lines can be expanded only at the ends, for branches one pays for branch markers. The passenger takes the route with the least walking distance and then the route with the fewest lines so that he has to switch lines as seldom as possible, the total length of his route is irrelevant.

Produced in cooperation with Rio Grande Games. Both logos on the box.


Railway game * 2-5 players from age 7 * Designer: Sebastian Bleasdale * Graphics: Matthias Catrein * ca. 60 min * 00298, jklm, England, 2006 * jklm Games * www.jklmgames.co.uk *