Der König der Schafe


The sheep have found a new valley and need a new king. Each player starts with 30 sheep and 6 crowns. In his turn a player rolls all the dice. First he counts the resulting sheep, the number die tells him the pasture where he must put those sheep. Then he counts the number of arrows, he must move that number of sheep over a bridge into a neighboring pasture. When a player has assembled 5 sheep in a pasture, he puts one of his crowns into the cloud above. He may move sheep away after that, but if another player assembles more sheep, the crown is changed accordingly. When a player has all sheep on the board, he has 1 move for three sheep in each turn. When there are crowns in all cloud, the player with the majority of crowns wins and is the new King of the Sheep.


Position game * 2-4 players from age 6 * Author: Ronald Hofstätter *ca. 25 min *  90032, Heros, 2000 *** HEROS * Hermann Rossberg GmbH & Co KG * Lohberger Strasse 2 * D-93462 Lam * Fon +49-9943-9405-0 * Fax +49-9943-3348 *