Hocus Pocus


The young magicians have assembled around the magic cauldron and try to control its powers. The cauldron produces magical jewels and each wants to own as many of them as possible. In each turn three cards of each player are laid out and you play one of the Hocus card for an action from stealing stones to sort card stacks to your advantage. The other counter with a Pocus card; this can deflect the Hocus card, but may also intensify it. At the end of your turn you take a stone or draw 2 cards. If you have the most stones when the stock is empty, you win the game.


Card game for 2-6 players, ages 8 * Designer: Eliott Hogg * Art: Barbara Bondini * 00744 9, Hazgaard, 2010 *** Hazgaard Editions * www.hocuspocus-thegame.com.com