

Alter                    10



Catch out

Bluff on three-digit numbers


The well-known mechanism of „state something and the next player decides if he believes you or not and depending on who is correct rewards are given out“ has here been used for number cards.

The starting player draws 3 cards and states their individual values, for instance 3-7-2. If you want, you can lie. Then he hands the cards face-down to his left neighbor. This player now can accept the cards or challenge the first player. If he accepts, he draws two more cards from the pile, discards one and places one in front of himself for victory points. Thus he has 3 cards, names their values and gives them to his left neighbor. You may not check the discard pile. If the player does not take the cards, the must challenge the first player by stating „true“ or „false“. The cards are checked: The player who is correct receives the cards and distributes them any way he likes among himself and the other player, thereby taking into account the victory points in the bottom left-hand corner of the cards. These can be either +2 or -2. The player who won the cards in the challenge can also turn over a card and thus change the value to +1. Then the left neighbor draws 3 new cards, states their values and hands on the cards. If a player states three identical values, his left neighbor must challenge. Cards with an X double one of the other cards. When the draw pile is exhausted, you win with most victory points.

Catch Out is an interesting little bluff game; especially the changing of negative victory points into one positive victory points by the player who won the challenge is an interesting detail.


Spieler         : 2-6

Alter            : ages 10+

Dauer           : ca.


Autor           : Shinsuke Yamagami 

Grafik          : Izumi Takemoto, Kenji Fushimi

Titel            : ident

Preis            : ca. 15 Euro

Verlag          : Grimpeur /Japon Brand 2010



Genre                    : Bluffing game on numbers

Zielgruppe             : For families


Version                           : jp

Rules                              : jp en de fr

In-game use of language   : no





Nice little family game

Well-known basic mechanism

Nice details

Available from distributors



Bluff and other games with accepting or doubting stated facts.


Zufall                            2

Taktik                  2





Kommunikation   2

Interaktion                   3

