

Players are out to fish for crabs with their ships. In your turn you must place one crab tile and can take a crab and put into the storage hold of your ship in front of your screen. To place a crab tile you slide it into the board from any direction, in a straight line until it meets an obstacle, that is, another crab or an island. You try to create groups of crabs in your color, which are connected along the sides of the tiles. Only groups of 3 or more crabs score positive points. In the storage hold there is only room for one crab of a color and no crab of a given color can be placed on the same multiplier as with another player. When all tiles are placed, the scores for groups of crabs in each color are determined and marked on the scale. Then each player scores points according to the color of the crabs in his hold.


English edition of Kraby, Granna


Version        : en

Rules           : pl en it

In-game text : no


Placement game * 2-4 players, ages 7+ * Designer: Adam Kałuża * Art: Piotr Socha * 001150, Granna, Polen, 2010 *** Granna *