Each player is a magician competing for the title of Master Magician, to win he has to be the first to fill his amulett with jewels, either 7 different ones or 8 of any sort. The jewels can be found in the different regions, to get them one needs metal and metal one gets with spells, and spells are auctioned, each magician has 10 magic stones to spend on spells. Highest bid wins the spell, the bid is placed beside the spell and shows duration of the spell, each round a number of stones is removed, these can be used to bid for other spells. For spell one receives currency, which is metals. The magicians travel as a group from region to region, in each region there is only one valid currency and one can acquire only certain kinds of jewels. With the correct metal one can bid for jewels, the winner of the bid puts the jewel in his amulet and determines the next destiny for the group. One has to harness ones resources and cut a fine line between one’s own interests and the demands of the group and be flexible to adapt to the ever changing situations.


Auction / Negotiation / Development game * 3-6 players from age 12 * Authoren: Alan R. Moon und Aaron Weissblum * ca. 90 min * ca. 30.65 € * 0733, Goldsieber, Deutschland, 2001 *** Goldsieber Spiele * Werkstraße 1 * D-90765 Fürth * Fon: +49-911-9765-01 * Fax: +49-911-9765-160 * www.goldsieber.de * verkauf@goldsieber.de