Player in their role as explorers start in the cities, the rest of the hexes is coveres with disks. The active player has two actions, each action consists of movement and exploration. For movement the player moves one or two hexes, but not over covered disks. Then he can either turn over a neighbouring disk or build a camp. An animal or a nomad can be moved to score points – an animal to animals of the same kind, the more the better, a nomad among as many free hexes as possible. A monument gives the player another camp. Gold and diamonds score  or 2 points immediately and can be mined, if the player builds a camp on a neighbouring hex. Without mining, one scores points for neighbouring animals, nomads and monuments with a camp. Wares only score at the end of the game, but can be exchanged with other players. When the 11th monument is uncovered, the game ends, wares and mined gold and diamonds are scored now: wares score more the more of the same kind one has, with gold and diamonds the players with the most and second most disks score. The player with the most points wins the game.


Placement game * 2-5 players from age 10 * Author: Reiner Knizia * ca. 60 min * ca. 25.56 € * 2078, Goldsieber, Deutschland, 2001 *** Goldsieber Spiele * Werkstraße 1 * D-90765 Fürth * Fon: +49-911-9765-01 * Fax: +49-911-9765-160 * *