

Whoopies are small neon coloured stuffed animals with names like Torteus or Marsupus or Phanteus, the are equipped with long lines which allow to pick them up with. And they own jewels in their colours, which players want to collect. In a turn a player rolls the die and depending on the symbol rolled he chooses a colour or a colour of hair or a name and decrees that all Whoopies except one must be caught or that each player has to catch a Whoopie. Then he picks up all Whoopies and drops them back on the table, all player try simultaneously to pick up the correct Whoopie and pull him out of the melee by means of the wooden ball at the end of the line. Who pulls out the correct Whoopie earns a jewel.


Search game * 2-8 players from age 4 * Designers: Jean Georges and Francois Pacherie * Illustration: Arnaud Demaegd * 33011 4, Ferti, France, 2005 *** Ferti * www.ferti-games.com