Das Schwarze Auge Der Weg nach Drakonia


Up to 6 groups of heroes set out to be the first to reach Drakonia in the universe of „Das Schwarze Auge“, the german role playing system. A player can introduce new heroes, play up to 4 adventure cards, use the invisible charms of his magician or draw a new adventure card. The heroes are moved with the adventure cards. If one or two heroes enter Drakonia, each player scores the points available from the location where he stands, wounded heroes score half the points. The player with the highest score wins.


Fantasy adventure game * 2-6 players from age 8 * Designer: Folker Jung * Graphics: Zoltan Boros, Ralf Berszuck * ca. 3 hours * 10001, Fanpro, Germany, 2005 *** Fantasy Productions GmbH * www.fanpro.com *