Railways of the World


2005 Martin Wallace published a railway game called Railway Tycoon with Eagle Games, later the game was re-issued as Railways of the World: You play rounds consisting of three phases: Auction to determine First Player, Player Actions and finally Income and Dividends. Player Actions are Track Building, Urbanize, Upgrade engines, Deliver one Goods Cube and – in the expansions – take A Railway Operations Card. When the last “empty city” marker is placed on the board the end game start, you finish the round and then a last complete round is played. Then the player with most money wins.


Version                           : en

Rules                              : en

In-game use of language   : yes


© Fred Distribution


Railway game * 2-5 players, ages 10+ * Designer: Martin Wallace, Glenn Drover * Art: Paul Niemeyer, David Oram * 62264 1, Eagle, USA, 2008 *** Eagle Games * www.eaglegames.net * A Fred Company