Arche Opti Mix


Noah is pulling out his beard in desperation, the animals convene in front of the ark, the ark is not ready inside and the rain clouds amass in the sky. In his move a player draws cards or plays cards: Slow animals or feed can only be played alone, in a cabin fit only animals from the same or from compatible climates, and only a weight difference of 2 between the halves of the ark is allowed, and feed must also be considered. After the 2nd rain card each player may bring a pet on board, after the 5th rain card the final scoring begins, scored are majorities and action chips.


Card placement game * 3-5 players from age 8 * Designer: Frank Nestel * Graphics: Doris Matthäus * 00303 3, Doris & Frank, Germany, 2005 *** Spiele von Doris & Frank *