

As in the comedy series players get instructions how to act and may only do what they are ordered to do. A player managing to follow the instructions may keep the card, the first player to receive a card rom each person ore alternately from each location, wins the game. In his turn a player turns the arrow and moves a piece accordingly, if it is moved to the location demanded by the top card in a stack he has managed the first part of the instructions. Symbols on the cards set time limits or conditions for mastering the task, sometimes the solution is just to answer a question.


Game based on the comedy show * 3 -8 players from age 12 * Designers: Jens-Peter Schliemann and Reiner Stockhausen * Graphics: pq design * ca. 60 min * 69004, Clementoni, Germany, 2006 *** Clementoni Deutschland GmbH *