Kakuro Challenge


Kakuro is the successor of Sudoku, and is also played on a 9 x 9 grid, the numbers on the double-sided tiles are used differently. The numbers on yellow are parts of a sum, the numbers on a red background are the last digit of any number – 4 is part of 4, 14, 24, and so on. Each player places one tile and may turn over another tile already on the board, then he draws a tile. Tiles are placed adjacent to already placed tiles, a Kakuro is formed if two or more different yellow numbers, horizontally or vertically adjacent to a red number, form the sum corresponding to the red number. The player scores the sum formed. A tile may be turned over when the newly placed tile and the turned over tile are part of the same Kakuro at the end of the move. At the end the player with the highest score wins.


Mathematical puzzle * 2-4 players from age 7 * Designers: Leo Colovini, Dario de Toffoli, Dario Zaccariotto * ca. 45 min * 12904, Clementoni, Germany, 2006 *** Clementoni Deutschland GmbH * www.clementoni.de