


Spezial                 2



Target, BallistiC, Fortress or SwarM?


Irondie is a new collectible dice game that in looks and material widely differs from prevalent other systems. There are 9 different shapes for the dice, sorted into three groups, and 8 different colors. Each single shape has a name: Smasher, Target, Ballistic, Nullifier, Barrier, Powerup, Swarm, Fortress and Regeneration. The three groups are Attack featuring triangles, Defense with dots and Life with numbers. You must always have a Life die in play otherwise you have lost. The colors are Black, Red, Purple, Blue, Green, White, Orange and Yellow, each color can bring you bonuses Skirmish and Battle. Alliances are governed by neighboring colors in a Color Wheel. Rare dice have the same basic shapes as the common ones, but a more detailed and far more elaborate engravings. Far a game of Irondie each player needs a set of 9 dice of his own individual choice.

In a game player should each use a playing mat to place all dice. The game is played in three rounds, each consisting of three phases: Battle – Skirmish – Damage Assessment. In Battle both players roll selected dice including a minimum of one Life die. In the Skirmish Phase players alternate and declare duels by determining a target area and rolling a die. When a higher value is rolled the effect must be implemented. To assess damage the attack and defense dice are counted, for the result the life dice are adjusted accordingly.

Irondie is a very beautiful, classy and interesting game concept, the dice can be used in other games, too – an unusual game with basically well-known mechanism, something special for fans and collectors.


Spieler         : 2

Alter            : ages 13 and up

Dauer           : variable


Autor           : Davide Averara

Grafik          : Davide Averara

Titel englisch          : identical

Preis            : ca. 25 Euro for Starter Pack

Verlag          : Bluestar 2010



Genre                    : Collectible dice game

Zielgruppe             : With friends

Mechanismen         : Roll dice, implement results


Classy material

Extremely beautiful design

Ratio 27:1 of common and rare dice

Dice can be used for other games



Other collectible dice games, e.g. Dragon Dice


Zufall                            3

Taktik                  2






Interaktion                   3

Geschicklichkeit  2
