Green Town


Greentown is about to be opened for tourists, nature, culture, sport and shopping facilities are constructed fort he use by tourists. In his move a player decides if he enlarges the road netword and builds or if he guides a tourist through Greentown. One announces the action and turns over the corresponding marker, after 4 rounds all action markers have been used and come back into play. When building one can place 2 location tiles or develop 2 location tiles or do both, each once. If a tile is added, one may build on an empty location or on a location with trees. Onguiding one follows the demands on the visitor card, the route starts and ends at a hotel, a track can only be used once. Greenies are earned by visiting locations on the visior card, one can use facilities of fellow players, destinations not visited cost a greenie. When all buildings of a player are used up, the player with the most greenies wins.


Development game * 2-4 players from age 10 * Designers: Günter Cornett and Michael Uhlemann * Grafik: Ro and Toshi Sato * * 121 von 350, Bambus, Deutschland, 2006 *** Bambus Spieleverlag *