

The diskworld board game – 32 ddwarves against 8 troll round the central rock on a 165 squares zig-zag-board. Each game consists of two rounds, each player is once dwarf and once troll. Dwarves move first, a dwarf goes any distance in any direction, and is not seen by a troll in a square next to the troll- A troll moves one square in each direction, no one can enter a taken an occupied square or the central rock. A troll captures a dwarf by moving onto the square next to it, he must move! Dwarves capture a troll if they are in a direct line with the troll and the distance to the troll is shorter than the number of dwarves in the line. At the end of a round the pieces on the board score, each dwarf one point and each troll 4 points.


Strategic position game * 2 players from age 8 * Designers: Trevor Truran und Terry Pratchett * 00001 6, Aurient, England, 2001 *** Aurient Traders *