

There are question cards and definition cards with 6 definitions each, these terms can be nouns, adjectives or verbs. At the start each player bids one chip, the dealer chooses a term and all others are dealt three question cards. In turn each player now can either pose a question or make a guess. If you are not the dealer you can overbid by placing one or more additional chips. The other players can join the bid. If nobody joins you as the bidder receives all the neurons without having to guess. If others join the bid, you must guess. When the guess is wrong, all others in the bid can answer in turn. If you guess correctly, you get all neurons from the middle. You either play a pre-set number of words or until somebody runs out of neurons, the winner is always the player with most chips.


Co-production of Carta Mundi,, Area Autorproduzione and Angelo Porazzi Games in four languages


Word guessing game * 3 or more players, ages 6 and up * Designers: Marco Donadoni, Angelo Porazzi * Art: Angelo Porazzi * Porazzi, Italien, 2011 *** Angelo Porazzi Games *